Tom: A
Afinação: Eb Ab Db Gb Bb Eb Introduction:
The wah blurs the notes a bit, so listen closely to the track - if you've got headphones
available, stick them in and then take the left ear out. The voicebox is primarily in
the right ear, so that should help you isolate the part if you can't work out where any
notes go in future.
I've put the relevant chords from the second verse under the note Slash plays when they
are played, for any dedicated rhythm guitarists who want to try their hand at this. The
x on the
E is a muted open string - playing a palm-muted open string sounds too heavy
for the track at those points in my opinion, but I suppose it depends on the rig you're using.
Use your index and little finger (if you don't already) as it makes it slightly more
comfortable moving between semitone 5th chords.
The note in brackets is a trill - hammer on and pull off between 1 and 2 as fast as you can.
The new bends are quite quiet. They're predominantly in the right ear, so headphone up
if you can't hear them.
Solo Rhythm:
Play the chorus again. :P I'm not gonna tab the solo here, because I'm not good enough
with my ears to do it justice yet. You can improvise in
Bm Pentatonic, though you will
get some clashes with the
Bb in the chorus, so don't be afraid to branch out to avoid that.
After the solo rhythm, slide up the neck and down again on the
E string, and then play
the intro riff again.
Final Chorus:
Initially the same, but on the 3rd/4th run throughs of the chords (2:39 on the track),
stop using the 5th chord and use a major third instead. So you get this:
It can sound scabby if your gain is too high, so be careful with the tone.
After two cycles with the major 3rd instead of the 5th, Slash brings in this voicebox
riff as the chords return to their power chord shapes:
It's all quavers apart from the quick 5-6-7 which gets you back to the starting note to
play it again, so if you can't quite make it out on the track keep it to that rhythm and
you should get it.
End with this: