introduçao riff para o baixo faz na guitarra sem dist. eh legal riff para o baixo 6x aah!!! aah!!! ahh!!! ahh!!! ahh!!! And this I know his teeth as white as snow what a gas it was to see him walk her every day into a shady place with her lips she said she said (refrao) gigantic, gigantic, gigantic a big big love gigantic, gigantic, gigantic a big big love riff para o baixo com o acompanhamento da bateria lovely legs there are what a big black mask what a hunk of love walk her every day into a shady place he's like the dark, but I'd want him (refrao) gigantic, gigantic, gigantic a big big love gigantic, gigantic, gigantic a big big love Solo ponte pós solo G D E B C D 4x riff para o baixo: gigantic, gigantic, gigantic a big big love Refrao gigantic, gigantic, gigantic a big big love 7x uma par de vezes e com gritos de fundo Ponte Gigantic