Tom: G
From: (Brandon)
Here is my transcription of a song off of Seasons's in 3/4 time.
(Rhythm 2) -strum-
Anyway, this is most of the rhythm should be able to
figure out the rest by listening to it. If I get enough requests, I'll
take the time to transcribe the solo for you, it typically showcases Steve
Rothery's ability to make his guitar sing (in much the same manner he does
in "Kayleigh"), and is a wonderful exercise in melodic playing!
Rhythm 1 of "The King of Sunset Town" which goes like this...
Perhaps more from this album and their others later!
Later much!
From: (RonAKaps)
Here's the way I play it on my six-string, standard tuning, no capo.
Lots of bends, vibrato, and harmonics - fierce emotion. Arguably
Steve's most powerful solo (it's my favorite anyway).
~ - vibrato (finger or whammy -whatever fits)
p - pull off
h - hammer on
r - release bend
s - slide /s - slide from infinity
b(n) - bend to pitch of fret (n)
Guitar Solo - beginning at about 2:29
Could somebody PLEAS
E decode the 'mystery' lick at 3:41? It sounds
like sweep picking. I've tried listening at half speed, but I just
can't figure it out. This has eluded me for years...
P.S. Please permit me to include the following response that I received
after I first
posted this tab...
~Subject: Re: TAB: EASTER (solo)
~From: (Dan Tallis)
~Date: Mon, 7 Nov 1994 10:07:05 GMT
This is what I play (well, try to play, and fail!). It's not quite
right but it's a start... Maybe someone else can improve on it...
By the way, I think Steve starts the solo on the 7th fret of the top
string and works up from there. I'm sure you've got the notes right,
but it might make a difference to the tone. Also, at the end, it
sounds to me like he somehow takes that final note up an octave as it
fades. I can only guess he uses a harmonic...
(I play:)
(touch for harmonic)
... but then again it sounds like it happens too gradually to be a
harmonic like that. Any ideas?
Thanks Dan!