Album: Song For America Transcribed by: J. Chitty Email: This is an awesome song that I had never heard before until someone requested to me to tab it out. Now I love the song. In the recording, there is only one guitar until the solo, where one guitar does the background riff and the other one does the solo (there’s also the short harmonized solo, the only place Guitar 3 comes in). I’m going to tab it just like it’s recorded. But if you’re playing it in a band, just have both guitars do the same thing until the solo and then you can split them up, obviously. COMPLICATED AND I STRONGLY RECOMMEND LOOKING AT THE SONG ORDER AT THE BOTTOM OF THE TAB SO YOU DON’T GET CONFUSED. Guitar 1 - Everything else Guitar 2 - Solo Guitar Intro: (Guitar 1) VERSE 2 CHORUS 1 INTERLUDE VERSE 2 CHORUS 2 BRIDGEINSTRUMENTAL 1 RIFF (Guitar 1) PM . . . . . . . . . PM . . . . . . . . . (Guitar 2) GUITAR SOLO 2(also BRIDGE ) INTERLUDE (Guitar 1) INSTRUMENTAL 1 (Guitar 1) BRIDGE 1 (Guitar 1) BACKGROUND RIFF to G. Solo 3 GUITAR SOLO 3 (Guitar 2) divebomb with whammy bar BRIDGE 3 (Guitar 1) INSTRUMENTAL (same as instrumental 1) GUITAR SOLO 4 |(Guitar 2) | A D e|--------------------------19-17----19-17-----------17--17| B|--------------------------------19-------19--19----------| G|-19b21-21v----19b21-21v-------------------------19-------| D|---------------------------------------------------------| A|---------------------------------------------------------| E|---------------------------------------------------------| |(Guitar 3) e|--------------------------19-17----19-17-----------17----| B|-------pb-----------pb----------19-------19--19--------17| G|-16b18-18v----16b18-18v-------------------------19-------| D|---------------------------------------------------------| A|---------------------------------------------------------| E|---------------------------------------------------------| |(Guitar 2) | A A e|---------------------------------------------------------| B|-20b22--17---------------pb-----------pb-----------------| G|------------18-----19b21-21v----19b21-21v----------------| D|---------------------------------------------------------| A|---------------------------------------------------------| E|---------------------------------------------------------| |(Guitar 3) e|---------------------------------------------------------| B|-14b15--14---------------pb-----------pb-----------------| G|------------14-----16b18-18v----16b18-18v----------------| D|---------------------------------------------------------| A|---------------------------------------------------------| E|---------------------------------------------------------| |(Guitar 2) |D A e|-19p17-19p17--------------17--17-------------------------| B|-------------19-17--19---------------20b22--17-----------| G|-----------------------19----------------------18--------| D|---------------------------------------------------------| A|---------------------------------------------------------| E|---------------------------------------------------------| |(Guitar 3) e|-19p17-19p17--------------17-----------------------------| B|-------------19-17--19--------17-----14b15--14-----------| G|-----------------------19----------------------14--------| D|---------------------------------------------------------| A|---------------------------------------------------------| E|---------------------------------------------------------| BACKGROUND to Violin Solo (Guitar 1) CHORUS 3 (Same as chorus 1) VERSE 3 CHORUS 4 (same as chorus 2) OUTRO SONG ORDER Intro: 1x (Guitar 1) Verse 1 4x (Guitar 1) Chorus 1 1x (Guitar 1) Interlude 2x (Guitar 1) Verse 2 4x (Guitar 1) Chorus 2 1x (Guitar 1) Guitar Solo 1 1x (Guitar 2)(Guitar 1 instrumental 1 riff 3x under G. solo) Keyboard Solo 1x (Guitar 1 instrumental 1 riff 1x under K. solo) G. Solo2ridge1 1x (Guitar 2)(Guitar 1 bridge riff 2x under vocals ) Interlude 1x (Guitar 1) Instrumental 1 1x (Guitar 1) Bridge 2 1x (Guitar 1) Guitar Solo 3 1x (Guitar 2)(Guitar 1 background riff 4x under G. Solo) Bridge 3 1x (Guitar 1) Instrumental 2 1x (Guitar 1)(repeat of 1st instr., ONLY FIRST HALF OF IT) Guitar Solo 4 1x (Guitars 2&3)(Guitar 1 does power chords written above solo) BG to Viol. Solo 1x (Guitar 1) Chorus 3 1x (Guitar 1)(same as Chorus 1) Verse 3 4x (Guitar 1) Chorus 4 1x (Guitar 1)(same as Chorus 2) Outro 1x (Guitar 1) KEY/LEGEND | / slide up | \ slide down | // slide up to infinity | \\ slide down to infinity | h hammer-on | p pull-off | b bend | r release bend | pb pre-bend (appears above pre-bent note) | micro-bend | PM... Palm mute - notes w/the dots directly beneath them are P.M. | v vibrato | x Mute note | x\ pick slide down | x/ pick slide up | ~ let note ring | (1/2) up or down on whammy bar, number indicates amount of whammy (1/2=1 fret) | Ghost note | natural harmonic (finger touches string lightly above fret- usually the 5th, 7th, or 12th fret) | [] artificial harmonic (picked usually at 5, 7, or 12 frets above the note being played, thumb follows through with pick attack) | {} pinch harmonic (thumb follows through in pick attack at place where the pinch harmonic is found)