Tom: G
Tabbed by:Taylor Mason
Tuning: Standard
There are only 6 chords in this song, and you can listen to it for the strum pattern,
he basically hits the bass note ( E or A depending on the chord) first and then strums the
from there.
The verse is all the same throughout the whole song, Just two chords...Its the same
the chorus as well
Say, Judas came up to D.C, He'd been down in Georgia for a while...
Same strum pattern, only using these chords. You hit them each about three times, i'm
too lazy to tab it out like that. Repeat Twice.
I could be wrong on this part, but i think its just a open "C" chord using your thumb to
a base line
Thats more or less it. You just finish with the verse structure like most of the song.
quite sure about the bridge but its close. Simple song but good nonetheless.
| / slide up
| \ slide down
| h hammer-on
| p pull-off
| ~ vibrato
| harmonic
| x Mute note