Tom: E
(B. Dickinson, A. Dickson)
Guitar transcription by Aaron Shay
after drum intro.
let ring throughout
hey.. you wait cringing in the dark
you create what you ve always feared
a puppet of hatred dishing out
then they repeat the above riff over another vocal
passage leading to.....
I can smell the difference your truth and
your fiction you and your twisted convictions
Gb Ab
Were you my friend when I belonged?
A B2
Were you my friend when I was strong?
Gb Ab
Were you my friend when I was weak?
A B2
Were you my freind when I was callin', crawlin', out of
my head?
| |
then another verse,another chorus then this riff...
The solo is in
Gb pentatonic, I believe, for any improvisers
or theory buffs. No promises on this tab...Alex is very
creative and very hard to follow. Oh yeah, in the chorus
that B2 chord looks like this: